Sharing inventory on Facebook

Below you'll find a step by step video tutorial

This video explains very briefly, how to share your inventory items on facebook in a fairly simple way.  There are some things you'll need to be sure of before this will work so if you're having trouble getting results similar to what you see in the video, check the items in the sidebar (or below on a mobile) to see where your problem may exist and how to solve it.

Here are the details and requirements to make this work.

  1. You need to be an Admin of the Facebook Page you intend to share on.
  2. You need to be all the way to the end of the path. You need to be ON the page you want to share, (The VDP - Vehicle Detail Page) NOT in a Listings page (or SRP - Search Results Page), unless the Listings page or SRP is the page you want to share. (but that is not shown here)
  3. There needs to be at a least one image "tagged" in the meta-tag area of the <head> of your VDP page code. For Facebook Specifically, this 'meta-tag' is called "og:image" and needs to reference the url of a publically accessible image for the unit being shared. - If you don't see this code in your page source, you'll need to ask your WSP (Website Solutions Provider) to get that installed appropriately. (see example below)

We cover this more in another article here
PowerSports | RV

Click for a code example
<meta property="og:image" content="The-URL-of-the-public-image-for-this-unit-goes-here" />