Sales Tax Incentive

Now as part of our Solutions platform that many of you are getting migrated to, by adding your company sales tax, you can automatically add a line to all confirmation pages and email confirmations that explain to your leads how valuable it can be trading with your company rather than selling privately.

All you need to do is go into your Company profile (Company Admins only) and edit a field called Sales Tax. There you should enter your company sales tax rate. Doing that will automatically show your very next trade lead how much additional they can save by trading their older model in for a new one with  you.

Some examples of email sections look like this.  (Take a look right below the values for the line that starts with "By trading your...")


Parts of the strategies shown may be restricted in your city or state.  Please check with and adhere to local regulations with any marketing strategy.

Want to know how?

  1. Navigate into your company profile here:
  2. Click the orange wrench in the Actions column next to the company you want to update.
  3. Look for the Sales Tax field.
  4. Enter the percentage. (If your company sales tax is 7.3%, enter 7.3not 0.073)
  5. Click Submit at the bottom.  That's it!

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