Banner Ads

Memorize the short URL to this page:

Capture high-intent shoppers on relevant sites by placing TRADE CYCLE banner ads. Get those shoppers to your website, provide them the value they want and make that first connection! You’re already spending money to attract shoppers. Now you have something to offer them that is INSTANT. Many won’t be able to resist… even if it’s just out of curiosity! Feel free to use some of the assets below, or make your own.

Common sizes are:

  • Leaderboard: 728×90
  • 3:1 Rectangle: 300×100
  • Med. Rectangle: 300×200
  • Vertical Rectangle: 240×400
  • Full Banner: 468×60
  • Square Button: 125×125
  • Wide Skyscraper: 160×600

Parts of the strategies shown may be restricted in your city or state.  Please check with and adhere to local regulations with any marketing strategy.

Here is a resource we are building with sources we found valuable:

Assets you might like to use in your Banner Ads!